February 11, 2010

My Testimony

I LOVE JESUS and Im not afraid or ASHAMED of it. Here is the story of how I got here... My name is Hadassah. I live in the USA. I'm a mother of 3 and happily married. It was right around the first week of December of 2006, Jesus came into my heart. Of all places for the ball to get rolling I was in Wal-Mart. A very sweet older gentleman approached me and handed me one of the little paper books with the yellow smiley face and the "Smile Jesus Loves You" on the cover. Given to me out of love, I took it and thanked him kindly. I forgot about the book until the next day. I pulled it out of my jacket pocket at work and sat down at my desk and read it. I wasn't brought up in church. I barely knew anything at all about Jesus. I certainly didn't know anything about the bible and I had no idea that my God loved me the way that He does. I read the book, prayed the salvation prayer. More and more everyday, I started wondering about our wonderful GOD. Then, a couple weeks later at work, everybody was talking about their "New Years Resolutions" out of my mouth popped the words I had NEVER voiced before. I said "I'm going to start going to church" not ONLY that, I also stated "AND I'M GOING TO LOVE IT". I had never been in a church before that I felt comfortable in. The last time I had been in a church was when my Dad died. Time was passing and it was pretty close to the new year then... The devil tried to get in my way, but I stuck to my word and the first Sunday of the year I started going to church. I started reading His Word. I started studying Him, trusting Him and most importantly loving Him. My whole family was baptized in March of 2007. Praise God! He changed me. I used to get so angry. Now my temper is very even and easy to manage. I used to worry about everything. Now, I have no worries, because Jesus is in control. I used to have a bad mouth, and I more or less hated myself and my life. Now that He is in it, and Ive given myself over to him... He is all I needed to fill the void in my life that nothing else could! Before I was one of the people that believed in God but didn't think He believed in me. I felt unworthy and really bogged down by the guilt of sin. I just really didn't know enough about Him or His Word to be able to SEE that I MATTER TOO, and He was WILLING to forgive me and START A NEW LIFE WITH ME! Now, nothing could ever convince me that there is 'no GOD' (as this world would like to prove)... no matter what. I KNOW THAT THERE IS! I KNOW that He loves me. I can recognize His presence, because he lives. He wants to be loved and have a real relationship with the ones he loves. I know when He has spoken to me through peace & when I pray, His presence is real... I love Him more than anything on this planet! Give praise to the great "I AM" . He is not the God that "WAS" He is the GOD THAT "IS". He is ready & willing to be exactly what you need Him to be. He is the help you are looking for ! The answer. Your Savior ! He is worthy of all our praise !


  1. Amazing testimony! Thank you for sharing your intimate experiences with the Lord. I just have to ask if you have read Francine Rivers trilogy "The Mark of the Lion"? Hadassah is the main character and ou will love her!
    BE BLESSED THANK YOU! We have linked your blog to our it's wonderful!

    Laurie and Doug

  2. Thank you for sharing your testimony.
    What a wonderful Lord and God we have in Jesus !
    Paul :-)
